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Evaluation Regression Models as a Tool in Medical Research (2011)


"Thanks you for the course, I have learned a lot."

This is just one of the many positive mails we received after the course.

Other participants wrote:

  • "Materials and solutions ... were really useful, especially the experiences with particular method, good practices, remarks about common pitfalls, wrong reasoning and similar. I'm glad I participated in this online course and learned Stata on the way."
  • "I am happy to have passed the course and enjoyed it very much and - although I was working with regression models in the past - I learned a lot new and useful for my work. I will urgently recommend the course to other colleagues in the field!!!"
  • "I wish to thank you very sincerely for this course. It has given me a good head-start to the use of regression models in medical research."


Unfortunately, only six participants filled out our evaluation questionnaire this time, so we could not make a reasonable statistic.

However, due to the many positive responses we got, we decided to repeat the course in 2012 in nearly unchanged form.

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