Sie sind hier: Startseite reginmed2011 Regression Models as a Tool in Medical Research - Evaluation of prior course

Regression Models as a Tool in Medical Research - Evaluation of prior course

Evaluation of the distance learning course "Regression Models in medical Research", April 8 - June 30, 2010

"During the course period, although Thailand is far from Germany, I had no problems to connect to the course web site nor to the teaching team or other participants. All material you gave was very useful for me. I keep it as a reference and consult it when needed"

This is just one of the many positive mails we received after the course.

Another participant wrote: "I would highly recommend this course to others".

We performed an evaluation of the course by asking all the participants to fill out a questionnaire. From this evaluation we would like to point to the following results:

  • About 90% found the material adequate
  • About 90% would recommend this course to anyone in the future.
  • About 90% thought that the course had improved their knowledge a lot
  • About 75% thought that the course had improved their skills a lot


With a very positive evaluation report and a high level of satisfaction among participants, we have decided to run this course again in 2011. We have decided to extend the teaching period of the course from 11 to 16 weeks so as to help participants with busy schedules to find enough time to read the material.
And we have also decided to include few more additional material.

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